Our robust and sound infrastructural base is well equipped with the latest technology machines and equipments. With the assistance of these modern machines, we are capable to manufacture aluminium alloy ingots and are aiming to increase the production capacity. They not only increase our production capacity but also save time.
Facility Our Facilities
The plant has setup as modern Aluminum alloy ingot manufacture capacity. It consists of fuel efficient oil fired Reverberatory Furnace & Furnaces with MS Crucible, Blower & Refractory, Oil Tank & accessories, Cutting Machine, Caster / Conveyor Machine, Aluminium Moldings, and complete with the required accessories like Heating & Pump Unit, Flue Gas Mixing Chamber / Recuperator, Discharge Mechanism, Structural Shell, Fighter Pump, Bench Grinder, Scales, Trolley, Welding Machnie, Stitching Machine, Handblower Etc.
Quality & Safety is our main motto
Our quality policy is pragmatic. It reflects our philosophy that quality is more than a noble issue. Quality is the basis for our long-term customer relationship and growth. We are committed to satisfying the needs and expectations of our customers and other interested parties, including economic, social and environmental concerns.
Our Management promotes a positive attitude towards accident prevention and insist upon establishment of safe work practices and conditions. It shall provide appropriate supervision, training, and monitor conformance to quality standards. We are committed to implementing continual improvements to every aspect from the conceptual stage of a project until its final output. Employee awareness, development, involvement and self responsibility are essential to the effectiveness of our quality management system. All employees are challenged to “do it right the first time.” Adherence to our quality management system is a permanent commitment of all our employees, suppliers and partners.
Our R&D Facility
The company is continuously engaged in the improvement of processes and procedures, to bring about enhancement the quality of the products manufactured and in the process yields, as also in the reduction manufacturing cost in order to deliver to our customers the best value for their purchases.